"Hillary Clinton I would vote for Hillary Clinton if I was legally able to vote because she is a support more on things I believe in like immigration she going to let immigrants become citizens without a hassle. Also Donald Trump just plans to build a wall and cause a war between the countries knowing his racial thoughts. So in the issue of immigration I follow what Hillary Clinton statement during her Pittsburg speech “We need comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship. If Congress won't act, I'll defend President Obama’s executive actions—and I'll go even further to keep families together. I'll end family detention, close private immigrant detention centers, and help more eligible people become naturalized.” Also Clinton added that she felt “if we do comprehensive immigration reform and we invest in infrastructure... we are going to have more than enough jobs for everybody. That is what we want in America, because I want everybody to have jobs with purpose and dignity.” Hillary Clinton thoughts on abortion are respectful to the female population allowing them to have to have the freedom abort children. Even though it`s taking a life I think women shouldn`t be forced to take responsibility of a child someone impregnated them with and refuse to take care of the baby. Hillary Clinton on the pulse says “Politicians have no business interfering with women's personal health decisions. I will oppose efforts to roll back women's access to reproductive health care, including Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. As president, I'll stand up for Planned Parenthood and women’s access to critical health services, including safe, legal abortion.” Hillary Clinton thoughts taxes are very agreeable she plans to make the rich pay for more taxes.


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